If I had a dollar for every time as an Auckland personal branding photographer that I heard, “I hate being photographed”, or “I’m just not photogenic”, I’d be rich. We’ll maybe not rich, rich but I reckon it would make a good source of passive income. I get it being in front of a camera can be pretty daunting, after all we weren’t all born to be models.
I consider myself pretty average looking, I’m definitely no stunner, and lets face it I wish I was a couple of kilos lighter than I currently am. But I have also learnt over the years that most people out there aren’t judging me as harshly as I’m judging myself. In fact they’re probably too busy worrying bout their own insecurities to even notice me. They don’t see the extra wobbly bits I do, or the fact that my ears stick out. In fact the more businesses I work with as a personal branding photographer I’ve come to realise that your potential customers LOVE seeing photos of the person they are wanting to team up with or invest in. And rightly so! Honestly, they aren’t worried about how you look; they’re just eager to see a genuine, smiley, and trustworthy face.
I have been reading Rachel Klaver’s “Be a spider, build a web “ marketing book again recently and there is one excerpt in there called “You have never killed a man with your face”. Below is that excerpt from the book. This part really hit home for me, and is soo true. We all need to learn to accept who we are, because who we are is BEAUTIFUL. In this blog I wanted to share some tips to help you get more confident in front of the camera, because I promise it really isn’t as scary and as daunting as you think it might be.
“If you’re reading this and saying to me “Rachel, you don’t understand. People will just not like my face”, then I’ve got some very bad news for you and your face.
You’ve got a choice. Get over this idea that you have to have the right kind of face, or loose out on sales. The more you show your face, the better it will be for your business. Even if it’s not a pretty face.
If you can also bring yourself to open your mouth and record the words coming out of your face, you will find that is also better for your business, It doesn’t even matter what you sell. Your face talking to a camera works.
Remember that what you are seeing is what others see. Your voice is the voice they hear. They don’t see the person you are in the mirror or hear how you sound in your head.
They are used to you. No one is recoiling from you in abject horror as you walk into a room. No one is running from you, hands over their ears crying “STOP! Your voice, it’s all wrong!” **NO ONE IS DYING FROM YOUR FACE!**
The more you relax into the fact that you are not causing mass death when you create a video, or pop a photo of yourself in a post or an email, the easier it becomes to just be you. “
The fear of the camera often stems from the unknown or unfamiliar. The more you are in front of a camera, the more natural it will feel. Start by practicing in non-pressured environments, perhaps with a friend snapping pictures or even using a self-timer on your own device. Over time, what once seemed daunting becomes second nature.
Preparation and planning help you to feel more relaxed in all areas of your life, and this is no different when it comes to booking a personal branding photoshoot. When you book with me, you will get access to our client lounge which includes all the information you need to know, including information on what to wear, what props to bring and also includes a camera confidence track you can listen to provided by Hana Zawodny.
Having your hair & makeup done by a professional is a great confidence booster, and will ensure you have the extra special sauce in your photos. By no means is this essential but if you’re not feeling overly confident about your appearance and appearing on camera then a bit of added war paint definitely doesn’t hurt. It’s something I always book in when I am having my own photos taken. I work with a range of different makeup artists and can easily recommend some awesome options to you, and if you book into one of our social shoots, then we take care of the hair & makeup for you anyway and its included in the cost.
Shift your focus away from any awkwardness and remember why you’re stepping in front of the camera. Your clients crave a connection with the real you, not just some generic stock images. Imagine you’re about to make a significant purchase. Would you lean towards a business that showcases genuine personal photos or one hiding behind stock images? I’d bet you’d choose the genuine person every time—someone real, just like you.
I get it. I often have my own photoshoot done so that I too remember what its like being in front of a camera. If you’re feeling nervous about having your photos taken, you’re not alone and as a photographer we are used to this. It’s our job to make you feel comfortable, and to help pose you and put you in the best light to get the most flattering photos. I’d recommend jumping on a call with any photographers you’re looking at working with to discuss this and to plan out your shoot experience. After all if you know what is coming and are prepared for it, there’s nothing to worry about or be scared of, and you can leave the rest to me.
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